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Emil Gurevitch is on his way to Silicon Valley, having helped improve IT security at SEAS-NVE and many other electricity grid companies.
Head of Department at DTU Compute, Professor Rasmus Larsen, has been a manager at DTU since 2001. From 1 February, he will be the University’s new Executive Vice President...
Direktør for DTU Compute Rasmus Larsen har været leder på DTU siden 2001, og fra 1. februar bliver han universitetets nye prorektor.
The projects seek to develop and evaluate new healthcare monitoring technology for heart rhythm and psychiatric and neurological diseases. The goals are to enable early...
DTU har åbnet det nye IoT Center den 12. december - et forskningscenter som skal fremme samarbejdet mellem IoT-forskere og -praktikere i Danmark.
Professor Helle Rootzén is head of LearnT, the latest centre to be established at DTU. The centre is open to everyone who works with learning and technology with the capacity...
DTU har åbnet det nye Center for Digital Læringsteknologi, learnT DTU, og det blev markeret med fest og faglighed.
Four DTU students secured first place in the autumn Open Innovation X finals with a data-driven ‘Beer Forecast’ model that can optimize future beer sales for Danish Royal...
Seks virksomheder havde udfordret mere end 160 studerende i efterårets Open Innovation X-finale med en bred vifte af problemstillinger. En gruppe DTU-studerende vandt 1...
Champagne corks were popping at DTU’s PhD reception for former students who submitted their PhD dissertation in 2016.