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03 FEB

Millions for research into the treatment of heart patients and psychiatric and...

Innovation Fund Denmark has granted DKK 27 million to two major health-promoting projects carried out at the Copenhagen Center for Health Technology, CACHET,, in which...

Data analysis Computer calculations IT systems Software and programming Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Mathematics
Inspektionsskibet Ejnar Mikkelsen på opgave. (Foto: Søværnet/ Troels Sundwall).
03 FEB

DTU-sikkerhedscenter skal styrke forskning og samarbejde

Et nyt center, Security DTU, skal styrke DTU’s forskning og lette myndigheders og virksomheders adgang til universitetets viden på sikkerhedsområdet. Centeret placeres...

Materials Cyber security Environmental technology Materials technology
03 FEB

"I'm actually just a bit of a nerd"

A 100-metre freefall, a trip into space, or a job as head of a department that is on the point of falling apart ... Hanne Jarmer takes it all on the chin, and loves tackling...

02 FEB

Collaboration prepares DTU for quantum future

A DTU-wide collaboration called Quantum DTU is to secure DTU national and international leadership when the quantum millions are being distributed over the coming years...

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics
Building 324, Technical University of Denmark, DTU Compute
01 FEB

Millioner til forskning i behandling af hjertepatienter og psykiatriske og neurologiske...

Innovationsfonden har bevilget 27 millioner til to store sundhedsfremmende projekter ved Copenhagen Center for Health Technology, CACHET, hvor DTU Compute og DTU Elektro...

Data analysis Computer calculations IT systems Software and programming Medical equipment and systems Health and diseases Mathematics
01 FEB

Nyt samarbejde gør DTU klar til kvantefremtiden

Et samarbejde på tværs af hele DTU, Quantum DTU, skal sikre national og international førerplads, når kvantemillionerne i de kommende år uddeles.

Physics Quantum theory and atomic physics
Jan Madsen, Deputy Head of Department, DTU Compute lectures about Big Data.
27 JAN

Big Data programme to boost Danish industry

As part of a Big Data project funded by The Danish Industry Foundation, in 2016, DTU Business and DTU Compute developed the Big Data Business Academy programme. The programme...

Data analysis IT systems
Vicedirektør Jan Madsen fra DTU Compute holder oplæg om Big Data ved Big Data Business Academy.
23 JAN

Nyt ambitiøst Big Data-program med topforskere fra DTU skal booste dansk industri

Som et led i et Big Data-projekt, finansieret af Industriens Fond, udviklede DTU Business og DTU Compute i 2016 programmet Big Data Business Academy. Programmets succes...

Data analysis IT systems
Photo: Bjørn Lymann
23 JAN

Five young researchers can step up their research

Five DTU researchers under the age of 40 receive a total of almost DKK 46 million (EUR 6,2 million) from VILLUM FONDEN and can now speed up their research careers.

Chemistry Cyber security Physics Mathematics
Foto: Bjørn Lymann
23 JAN

Fem yngre forskere kan fyre op under deres forskning

Fem DTU-forskere under 40 år modtager tilsammen knap 46 mio. kr. fra VILLUM FONDEN og kan nu sætte fart på deres forskningsprojekter.

Chemistry Cyber security Physics Mathematics

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