Photo: Thorkild Amdi Christensen

PhD reception

Wednesday 02 Nov 16
by Andreas Johansen

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Champagne corks were popping at DTU’s PhD reception for former students who submitted their PhD dissertation in 2016.

The Assembly Hall on DTU Lyngby Campus was jam-packed with former PhD fellows, proud family members, and happy friends when this year’s PhD fellows were celebrated on Friday, 28 October.

From the big stage, Martin Bendsøe, Senior Vice President and Dean, welcomed everyone in the packed Assembly Hall and congratulated the PhD graduates on their impressive title obtained as a result of three years of hard work.

"Today, challenges are everywhere. Fortunately, I know that engineers love challenges."
President Anders O. Bjarklev


Spread knowledge and enthusiasm
Martin Bendsøe then handed over the stage to President Anders Bjarklev, who talked about the challenges facing the world today, and how the well-educated engineers are to contribute to making the world a better place.

”Today, challenges are everywhere. There’s a lot we need to address. Fortunately, I know that engineers love challenges. As H.C. Ørsted stated in 1829, it’s important that we use our abilities for the benefit of society,” said President Anders Bjarklev.

This year’s specially invited speaker, Professor Lisbeth M. Ottosen from DTU Civil Engineering, talked about the conversion of dangerous waste materials into, among other things, building materials, and she also took the opportunity to encourage the PhD graduates to share their knowledge and enthusiasm with others.


Finally, the following awards were presented:

  • The PhD Thesis of the Year Award was presented to Visweswara Chakravarthy Gudla for the dissertation ‘Optically Designed Anodized Aluminium Surfaces: Microstructural and Electrochemical Aspects.’
  • The PhD Supervisor of the Year Award was presented to Associate Professor Anne Ladegaard Skov from DTU Chemical Engineering.
  • The DTU Young Researcher Awards were presented to: Thomas Christensen, DTU Fotonik, Carl Esben Poulsen, DTU Nanotech, Kira Hyldekær Janstrup, DTU Management Engineering, Ongun Berk Kazanci, DTU Civil Engineering, Leo Emil Sokoler, DTU Compute, and Valborg Gudmundsdóttir from DTU Bioinformatics


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