DTU Compute is part of the new Danish Hub for Cybersecurity granted by The Danish Industry Foundation.
In the press release about the new unifying unit, The Danish Industry Foundation writes that the Danish Hub for Cybersecurity will help create synergy and coordinate initiatives and thereby help solve the problem of cyber security in Danish companies.
"This is a national initiative. In this way, the new hub is strong in both research, innovation and teaching, and at the same time has a great contact with the business community and the entrepreneurial environment."
Christian Damsgaard Jensen, associate professor and head of the cyber security section at DTU Compute
"By establishing a new Danish hub with a focus on cyber security, the ambition is to bring together the many good initiatives that exists around Denmark, so that we get shared experiences and created synergies across actors in the field and create an ecosystem that contributes to the development of innovative cyber solutions, ”says Tim Sloth Jørgensen, program manager for The Danish Industry Foundation’s special efforts in cyber security.
The goal is to strengthen the competetiveness of the industry and create innovative and safe products in the companies through collaboration between research, innovation and teaching.
“This is a national initiative. Therefore, it makes sense that all eight universities are involved in the project right from the start, together with three GTS institutes, two business academies and two professional business networks. In this way, the new hub is strong in both research, innovation and teaching, and at the same time has a great contact with the business community and the entrepreneurial environment, ”says Christian Damsgaard Jensen, who is head of the cyber security section at DTU Compute and chairman of the board of the newly established Danish Hub for Cybersecurity.
Read the full press release from The Danish Industry Foundation here (in Danish).
The Danish Hub for Cybersecurity consists of: The Alexandra Institute, CenSec - Center for Defense, Space & Security, Copenhagen Business School, DTU - Technical University of Denmark, DBI - The Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology, Business Academy Aarhus, FORCE Technology, InfinIT - Innovation Network for IT, IT University of Copenhagen, KEA - Copenhagen Business Academy, University of Copenhagen, Roskilde University, University of Southern Denmark, Aalborg University and Aarhus University.
The Danish Industry Foundation has granted DKK 21 million. DKK to the project.
The secretariat for the Danish Hub for Cybersecurity will be placed at DTU Compute.