eLearning makes access to knowledge easier. But it’s not necessarily inexpensive. If you want high quality, you get high prices, and if the prices drop, so often does quality. Together with a friend from CBS, Bachelor of Engineering student at DTU, Jonas Vollhaase Mikkelsen has made the start-up Archon that makes high quality eLearning videos at a low cost: “Our eLearning does not differ significantly from other high quality materials, but because of automation we can produce it at far less cost” says Jonas Vollhaase Mikkelsen.
"Our eLearning does not differ significantly from other high quality materials, but because of automation we can produce it at far less cost"
Jonas Vollhaase Mikkelsen
Knowledge to business
Currently, Jonas is studying at 6 semester in IT and Economics and writing his bachelor thesis on the automation of Archon’s eLearning production. His is working on an algorithm for the visual part of the production: “I am developing an algorithm that takes the teacher's material and spits it out again in the client's design,” Jonas Vollhaase Mikkelsen explains.
Jonas may still be a bachelor student, but his start-up Archon already has high-level customers in the private sector as well as the state and several municipalities. Jonas is an excellent example of a DTU student turning knowledge into business.