Valentina Melli | Researcher | DTU Aqua | +45 52 80 74 92 |  |
Kirstine Tersbøl Melsen | Hjælpelærer | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Catarina F Thomaz Patrício de Men | Research Assistant | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Belén Jiménez Mena | Researcher | DTU Aqua | |  |
David Eduardo Menchaca | Research Assistant | DTU Wind | |  |
Ana Carina Loureiro Mendes | Associate Professor | DTU National Food Institute | +45 93 51 89 47 |  |
Joao Otavio De Sousa Mendes | Postdoc | DTU Physics | |  |
Marcello Meneghetti | Assistant Professor | DTU Electro | |  |
Lucas Meneguim | Research Assistant | DTU Construct | |  |
Dan Meng | Postdoc | DTU Construct | |  |
Xiansong Meng | Postdoc | DTU Electro | +45 45 25 38 11 |  |
Fanzhong Meng | Senior Researcher | DTU Wind | +45 21 32 55 67 |  |
Jie Meng | Researcher | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Wenxi Meng | Industrial PhD Student | DTU Sustain | |  |
Mads Emil Mentz-Jørgensen | Student Assistant | DTU Physics | +45 21 48 61 07 |  |
José M. G. Merayo | Professor | DTU Space | +45 45 25 34 52 |  |
Elif Mercan | Research Assistant | DTU Sustain | |  |
Nicolo Mercorelli | PhD Student | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Benedikt Merk | PhD student | DTU Aqua | |  |
Lars Henning Hørlyck Merkelsen | IT Supporter | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 13 64 |  |
Giovanni Meroni | Associate Professor | DTU Compute | +45 45 25 75 05 |  |
Sebastian Vinther Mervog | Studentermedhjælper | ADM4 | |  |
Paolo Attilio Mesiano | Guest Postdoc | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Tamas Botond Meszaros | Project Management Officer | DTU Physics | |  |
Özcan Met | Associate Professor | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Pietro Metuh | PhD Student | DTU Electro | |  |
Giulia Meucci | PhD Student | DTU Energy | +45 93 51 18 31 |  |
Ophélie Georgina Marie Meuriot | Postdoc | DTU Management | |  |
Knud Erik Meyer | Associate Professor | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 43 37 |  |
Malene Bonné Meyer | Head of Teaching and Talent Development | DTU Bioengineering | +45 45 25 25 69 |  |
Anne S. Meyer | Professor | DTU Bioengineering | +45 45 25 25 98 |  |
Jakob Lion Meyer | Part-Time Lecturer | DTU Construct | |  |
Iven Henrik Meyer | Hjælpelærer | DTU Construct | |  |
Lasse Meyer | PhD Student | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Kasper Dalsgaard Meyer | Fisheries Technician | DTU Aqua | +45 40 45 91 42 |  |
Ester Meyerholm | Fundraiser | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 93 51 07 68 |  |
Denys Igorevich Miakota | Postdoc | DTU Electro | |  |
Marco Miani | PhD student | DTU Compute | |  |
Xingyuan Miao | Tenure Track researcher | DTU Wind | +45 21 79 91 85 |  |
Riccardo Miccini | Industrial PhD | DTU Compute | +45 91 95 68 12 |  |
Nicolas Michael | PhD Student | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Jonas Michael-Lindhard | Process Specialist | DTU Nanolab | +45 45 25 57 44 |  |
Eliza Michailidi | Studentermedhjælper | ADM4 | |  |
Kirsten Michaëlis | Laboratory technician | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Alexander Michel | Associate Professor | DTU Sustain | +45 45 25 16 56 |  |
Caroline Brandt Middelfart | Studentermedhjælper | DTU Entrepreneurship | |  |
Cornelius Richard Middelhoff | Research Assistant | DTU Electro | |  |
Peter Miedema | System Administrator AIT | IT Service | +45 45 25 79 38 |  |
Jerrik Mielby | Associate Professor | DTU Chemistry | +45 45 25 23 63 |  |
Hannah Mihai | | IT Service | +45 93 51 04 01 |  |
Hannah Mihai | Data management consultant | DeIC | +45 93 51 04 01 |  |
Hannah Mihai | Data Mamagement-konsulent | ADM5 | |  |
Dmytro Mihrin | Postdoc | DTU Offshore | +45 93 86 55 72 |  |
Ivan Mijakovic | Professor | DTU Biosustain | +46709828446 |  |
Nenad Mijatovic | Associate Professor | DTU Wind | +45 45 25 35 25 |  |
Villy Lyngtorp Mik-Meyer | PhD Student | DTU Management | |  |
Kornelija Mikalajunaite | Akademisk medarbejder | APR | |  |
Eva Mikkelsen | Research Co-ordinator | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 25 11 29 57 |  |
Jørgen Skole Mikkelsen | Fisheries Technician | DTU Aqua | +45 35 88 31 43 |  |
Hanne Mikkelsen | Administrative coordinator | DTU Chemical Engineering | +45 93 51 89 26 |  |
Lise Ingemann Mikkelsen | Team Manager, Information and Library Systems | AFRI | +45 45 25 72 44 |  |
Teis Nørgaard Mikkelsen | Associate Professor | DTU Sustain | +45 21 33 13 94 |  |
Kristian Mikkelsen | Project Manager | CAS | +45 45 25 13 56 |  |
Martin Tue Mikkelsen | Project Manager | CAS | +45 93 51 02 11 |  |
Kenneth Majkjær Mikkelsen | Kontorchef | APR | (+45) 51 86 60 71 |  |
Kasper Kjær Mikkelsen | Videnskabelig assistent | DTU Physics | |  |
Oliver Lau Mikkelsen | Project Controller | ADM5 | +45 93 51 01 20 |  |
William Mikkelsen | Studentermedhjælper | ADM5 | |  |
Mikkel Lau Mikkelsen | Project Controller | ADM5 | +45 93 51 13 87 |  |
Robert Flemming Mikkelsen | Senior researcher | DTU Wind | +45 45 25 43 20 |  |
Rasmus Kranold Mikkelsen | PhD student | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Torben Krogh Mikkelsen | Professor emeritus | DTU Wind | +45 46 77 50 09 |  |
Nicoline Munk Mikkelsen | Research Assistant | DTU National Food Institute | |  |
Peter Steen Mikkelsen | Professor | DTU Sustain | +45 45 25 16 05 |  |
Jeppe Heini Mikkelsen | Postdoc | DTU Electro | |  |
Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen | Associate Professor | DTU Wind | +45 21 32 54 06 |  |
Carl Herman Tambour Mikkelsen | Student Assistant | DTU Sustain | |  |
Christian Møller Mikkelstrup | PhD Student | DTU Compute | |  |
Jussi Ville Mikkonen | Associate Professor | DTU Engineering Technology | +45 93 51 15 26 |  |
Kamil Wojciech Mikolaj | PhD student | DTU Compute | |  |
Marek Grzegorz Mikulicz | Postdoc | DTU Electro | |  |
Monika Maria Mikulicz | Postdoc | DTU Physics | |  |
Justas Mikutavicius | PhD Student | DTU Chemistry | |  |
Jacob Miland | Forskningstekniker | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Tobias Mildenberger | Researcher | DTU Aqua | |  |
Ester Milesi | LIMS Administrator | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Margaux Martine Nicole Millaret | Hjælpelærer | DTU Sustain | |  |
Arne Miller | Specialist Consultant | DTU Health Tech | +45 46 77 42 24 |  |
Marie Millgaard | Postdoc | DTU Biosustain | |  |
Lea Milving | Office Clerk | ADM4 | +45 45 25 12 21 |  |
Seungin Min | Postdoc | DTU Wind | +45 93 51 09 41 |  |
Maya Jean Minch | Kontorassistent | ADM4 | +45 45 25 11 63 |  |
Andrej Mironov | Nanolab gæst 347 | DTU Nanolab | |  |
Jonathan Davud Razi Seyed Mirpourian | PhD student | DTU Construct | |  |
Mohamadali Mirzaei | Postdoc | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Veronica Miscu | Student Assistant | DTU Bioengineering | |  |
Tijana Miseljic | Assistant Professor | DTU Health Tech | |  |
Anatolii Mishchuk | PhD Student | DTU Chemical Engineering | |  |
Oleg Mishin | Senior Researcher | DTU Construct | +45 45 25 22 67 |  |
Ankita Mishra | Postdoc | DTU Bioengineering | |  |