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Illustration: Christensen & Co Architects
06 JUN

Advanced visualizations for companies

DTU’s 3D Imaging Centre assists companies in looking into materials in 3D and in real-time.

Image analysis
Foto: Arla
01 JUN

DTU indgår aftale om strategisk partnerskab med Arla

DTU og Arla indgår samarbejdsaftale om forskning, uddannelse og innovation.

Biotechnology Food Cyber security
03 MAY

Topmøde om de digitale teknologiers potentiale

DTU's High Tech Summit 2018 bliver mødt med stor interesse fra erhvervslivet som allerede har købt eller reserveret 60 ud af 70 stande.

Cyber security Biotechnology Health technology Food
Illustration: Colourbox
03 MAY

Digitalization, health, food and biotech set the stage for High Tech Summit 2018

DTU’s High Tech Summit is attracting considerable interest from the business community who have already bought or booked 60 of the 70 stands.

Cyber security Biotechnology Health technology Food
Team Lundtech vinder Oi-X finalen forår 2018. Foto: Kaare Smith
18 APR

Højteknologisk plaster vinder innovationskonkurrence

Et plaster, som kan måle bevægelsesmønstre hos personer med Parkinsons sygdom, fik førstepladsen i DTU Skylabs Open innovation-X-finale.

Medical equipment and systems Health technology
Artificial intelligence must create the greatest possible benefit for everybody, feels Ole Winther. For example in the car of the future, which can make children, youngsters, and old people more mobile. Photo: Mikal Schlosser
27 MAR

Should we fear AI?

Prominent personalities like scientist Stephen Hawking and SpaceX and Tesla inventor Elon Musk are among those who describe artificial intelligence as nothing less than...

Robot technology and automation Electrotechnology Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Software and programming Mathematical modelling
Microscope image of a rat’s testicles. This forms part of DTU’s research into the damaging effects of endocrine disrupters. And studies of how even small doses can have significant adverse effects if they occur in a cocktail of chemicals.
13 MAR

Life science research at DTU

The following are merely examples of some of DTU's research in life science.

Profile News Picture, CACHET in profile and a cup of coffee
21 FEB

CACHET in Profile 2018

The Copenhagen Center for Health Technology (CACHET) have released the "CACHET in Profile 2018" report, which reports on research, research training, innovation in society...

Health technology
Photo: Hampus Berndtson
14 FEB

DTU Vet in new constellation

DTU has found a form which ensures continuation of the excellent research, the academic and scientific competence, the educational activities, and the emergency response...

Livestock diseases
Foto: Hampus Berndtson
13 FEB

DTU Veterinærinstituttet i ny konstellation

DTU har fundet en form, der sikrer den excellente forskning, den faglige kompetence, uddannelsesaktiviteterne og beredskabsopgaven frem til 2020 med færrest mulige afskedigelser...

Livestock diseases

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