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A new DTU research project seeks to reduce bottlenecks and optimize human resources in hospital accident and emergency departments.
Nyt forskningsprojekt fra DTU skal afhjælpe flaskehalse og optimere personaleressourcer i akutmodtagelsen på hospitaler.
Artificial intelligence and big data are building blocks in the development of personal health technologies.
Kunstig intelligens og big data er byggesten i udviklingen af personlige sundhedsteknologier, som kan hjælpe mennesker med kroniske lidelser og spare sundhedsvæsenet...
En ny funktion i EasyParks parkerings-app gør det hurtigere og meget lettere at finde parkeringsplads i København.
DTU is one of the main architects behind a new large European network aimed at developing the cities and transport solutions of tomorrow.
DTU er en af hovedarkitekterne bag nyt stort europæisk netværk, der skal udvikle fremtidens byer og transportformer.
Denmark’s position as the most digitalized country in Europe makes us vulnerable to cyber attacks.
IT security firm Cybercrypt turns the question of cyber security upside down and focuses on only protecting the most critical data: the secret encryption keys.
Getting to work in the morning before the first meeting starts or getting back home again before the day care closes, can be a challenge to everyone’s work/life balance...