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09 JAN

Help with shorter waiting times for emergency departments

A new DTU research project seeks to reduce bottlenecks and optimize human resources in hospital accident and emergency departments.

Mathematical modelling Data analysis Cyber security
07 JAN

Akutmodtagelser på hospitaler får hjælp til kortere ventetider

Nyt forskningsprojekt fra DTU skal afhjælpe flaskehalse og optimere personaleressourcer i akutmodtagelsen på hospitaler.

20 DEC

Artificial intelligence may future-proof Danish healthcare services

Artificial intelligence and big data are building blocks in the development of personal health technologies. 

Health technology Cyber security
18 DEC

Kunstig intelligens kan fremtidssikre dansk sundhedsvæsen

Kunstig intelligens og big data er byggesten i udviklingen af personlige sundhedsteknologier, som kan hjælpe mennesker med kroniske lidelser og spare sundhedsvæsenet...

Health technology Cyber security
18 DEC

Parkerings-app finder ledige p-pladser

En ny funktion i EasyParks parkerings-app gør det hurtigere og meget lettere at finde parkeringsplads i København.

Cyber security Mathematics Transportation
11 DEC

Key Danish role in major European innovation alliance

DTU is one of the main architects behind a new large European network aimed at developing the cities and transport solutions of tomorrow.

Mobility Transport economy Transport safety Transport models Energy systems Data analysis IT systems Telecommunication Systems analysis Air pollution Climate adaptation
Illustration: Shutterstock
16 OCT

Cyber security: vulnerability can be turned into an advantage

Denmark’s position as the most digitalized country in Europe makes us vulnerable to cyber attacks.

Cyber security Systems and data security
Foto: Shutterstock
16 OCT

Cyber security: spin-out makes data immune

IT security firm Cybercrypt turns the question of cyber security upside down and focuses on only protecting the most critical data: the secret encryption keys.  

Systems and data security Cyber security
How planar graphs can solve your morning hassle, by Eva Rotenberg,
12 OCT

How planar graphs can solve your morning hassle

Getting to work in the morning before the first meeting starts or getting back home again before the day care closes, can be a challenge to everyone’s work/life balance...

IT systems Software and programming Data analysis

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