
Projekt HEATman skal skabe billigere og grønnere fjernvarme. Foto: Brønderslev Fjernvarme
26 MAR

Internet-teknologi skal forbedre fjernvarme

Innovationsfonden investerer 25 mio. kr. i erhvervssamarbejde om bæredygtig fjernvarmeforsyning.

Energy and supply Energy systems Power stations Energy efficiency Indoor climate
Portfolio Review Meeting AAU Esbjerg
02 MAR

Forskningen styrkes på alle fronter

15 nye forskningsprojekter bliver sat i søen efter årets første tildeling af midler fra Danish Hydrocarbon Research and Technology Centre. Alle nye projekter har potentiale...

Chemistry Energy and supply Fossil fuels Image analysis Construction and mechanics
Photo: DTU
07 DEC

New generation of 3D printing requires almost no post-processing

In collaboration with three Danish companies, researchers from DTU have now proved that metal 3D prints can be produced with almost no post-processing.

Construction and mechanics IT and cyber security
When things, people, machines, robots, and systems are interconnected, the potential for improving productivity is enormous. Photo: Colourbox
08 AUG

The Internet of Things—and machines: Linking machines to machines

Linking industrial machinery, robots, and systems together holds considerable potential. However, it also requires a high level of security to avoid both breakdowns and...

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Production and management Construction and mechanics
DTU Energy was part of the General Engineering presentation at DTU Open House, March 2017
24 MAR

General Engineering er DTU's mest populære studieretning

Den engelsksprogede bachelorretning General Engineering er for andet år i træk den mest søgte studieretning på DTU.  

Biotechnology Electrotechnology and automation Energy and supply Physics Chemistry Materials Materials technology
Inspection vessel Ejnar Mikkelsen on assignment. Photo: The Royal Danish Navy/Troels Sundwall
06 FEB

DTU security centre will strengthen research and collaboration

A new centre—Security DTU—will strengthen DTU’s research and facilitate access for public authorities and companies to the University’s knowledge in the field of security...

Materials IT and cyber security Environment and pollution Materials technology
Inspektionsskibet Ejnar Mikkelsen på opgave. (Foto: Søværnet/ Troels Sundwall).
03 FEB

DTU-sikkerhedscenter skal styrke forskning og samarbejde

Et nyt center, Security DTU, skal styrke DTU’s forskning og lette myndigheders og virksomheders adgang til universitetets viden på sikkerhedsområdet. Centeret placeres...

Materials IT and cyber security Environment and pollution Materials technology
Photo: Vibeke Hempler
07 MAR

Million-kroner support for the climate and the environment

Innovation Fund Denmark has invested almost DKK 150 million in projects led by DTU. Two themes appear again and again: green transition and the prospect of actual jobs...

Biotechnology Transport and logistics Energy and supply Chemistry Materials Environment and pollution IT and cyber security Materials technology
Foto fra Innovationsfondens hjemmeside
26 FEB

Millionbevilling til renovering af ældre almene boliger

DTU og en række samarbejdspartnere har netop indgået en investeringsaftale med Innovationsfonden på 35 mio. kr. Pengene skal bruges til at renovere almene etageejendomme...

Indoor climate Energy efficiency Innovation and product development
"Protective glasses"
09 JUN

”Beskyttelsesbriller” giver skibe nyt målesystem til udstødningsgasser

På DTU Nanotech har man udviklet selvrensende og korrosionsbestandige optiske vinduer, som kan modstå høje temperaturer. Det har muliggjort et nyt målesystem til udstødningsgasser...

Micro and nanotechnology Sensors Materials Air pollution Ships and offshore constructions Materials technology

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