Smart city solutions exported to Asia

Thursday 30 Nov 17

More about the project

Climate-KIC is a European platform for innovation in a public/private sector collaboration that addresses climate change and the challenges it poses.

Climate-KIC has tested smart city labs models in several Nordic and European cities.

The project actively involves Singaporeans in customizing Danish solutions to ensure that they fit into a Singaporean context.

Climate-KIC is supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) under the European Commission.


DTU and Climate-KIC are working to export Nordic solutions to Singapore via smart city labs with the aim of creating cities that are pleasant to live in.

Green transition, climate solutions, and sustainability. The Nordic Region is a role model for the rest of the world when it comes to well-functioning towns and cities that are pleasant to live in.

Now, Nordic smart city solutions are to be exported to Singapore and tested in a several sheltered workshops in the form of smart city labs as part of the project Smart City World Labs.

The project, which is financed by the EU’s platform for innovation, Climate-KIC, and involves DTU, Quercus Group, Gate 21, City of Copenhagen, the Danish embassy, Singapore and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, builds on a grant from The Danish Industry Foundation.

“In the Nordic countries, we’re good at thinking in whole concepts that focus on sustainability, technical solutions, and people. This is particularly important in Asia, where many people live in a very small space. Singapore has already made great strides in making the city ‘liveable’, and the city state serves as a hub for other Asian countries. Thus the aim is to create green and sustainable towns and cities that are pleasant to live in—also outside Singapore,” says Anne Marie Damgaard, Project Manager at DTU Compute and associated with Climate-KIC in the field of smart cities.

Input and interests
The idea is to establish a Smart City Living Lab which can serve as a platform between Danish companies and the market in Singapore—and throughout Asia more broadly.

The project is based on the three existing Danish Living Labs:

The idea is that by forging a working relationship with living labs in Singapore, Danish start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises will have the opportunity to identify Singaporean input and interests—hopefully paving the way for Danish exports.

Already, around 70 Danish and Nordic businesses, organizations, universities, and municipalities have expressed an interest in taking part in Smart City World Labs.

The project runs for one year.

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